My first school and real project got to do on Cibap. Stay Okay asked my school if we could design a nice app for their hostel in Amsterdam. My twist on it? Well make it colorful, show people not only the tourist highlights but also the beautiful un touched places and give it a typical dutch style.
Client: Stay Okay
Task: Create an app for the Stay Okay hostel(s) in Amsterdam
Behind the scenes of what goes on in the app.
The left part shows all of the pages you can enter with this app. They are all linked in some way of an other to each other.
The right shows the linking part. Almost every button, Picture or text is linked to something. A new page will open, it shows more information or guides you to an other page with more topics. Also, in this part you can see the scroll parts of some pages. These are the longer pages. The scroll function automatically works when the page is longer than the screen of the phone you are looking at. This makes showing more information one page easier and more user friendly.
The sketches of the app in the designing and planning phases
Want to know more about Stay Okay and what they do? Visit
Want to know about Cibap and what kind of school they are? Visit